Mice are extremely intelligent and are some of the easiest small pets to train. Mice can be trained to do everything from playing football to walking a tightrope.

How do I start training my mouse? Firstly, make sure your mouse knows you and is happy in your company. It is no use attempting to train a mouse you have only just got, as they need time to settle in to their surroundings. Take the training slowly and in short bursts of around 10-15 minutes a day.

Here are some ideas for quick start training you can do with your mouse:

Experiment to find a toy your mouse likes to fetch, something which is not too heavy or cumbersome. A budgie toy ball or bouncy ball would be perfect. Roll it away from you and your mouse will follow. Praise and treat when they pick it up.

Agility course:
Mice can be trained to run an agility course made from everyday obstacles quite easily. If you don’t have time to make one, some toy obstacles such as a wooden see saw can be used instead. Use plenty of treats and encouragement and before long your mouse will be willing to run the course without your help!

Further tricks:
Mice can successfully be trained to do just about anything from jumping through hoops to decorating miniature Christmas trees!. Just make sure you are always consistent and always reward your mouse each time he does what you want. Break more complex tricks into parts and reward for each part completed.

What tricks can your mouse do? How easy did you find it to train them? Let us know via the Little Pet Warehouse facebook or twitter pages.

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